Zachary Seldess
z.glNav - a group of openGL 3D flight simulators for Jitter - using traditional mouse/keyboard control and/or Wii remote
download (last updated 2012/09/13)


These abstractions let you easily navigate 3D space in your openGL jitter patches using typical 3D game-like keyboard and mouse control (or the Wii remote). Readme files and example patches included for each version.

z.glNav1 (walkingSim):
In this version of the patch (z.glNav1), moving forward/backward/left/right = moving parallel to the x-z plane. Moving up/down = moving along the y axis. You can look up or down while "walking", but this will not affect your movement on the y axis. You can look around as you move up/down, but this will not affect your movement along the x and z axes. The camera and lookat behavior can be seen as, perhaps, similar to a helicopter - with or without roll.

z.glNav1b (walkingSim v2):
This is the same as z.glNav1, except camera rotation is achieved by clicking and dragging in the Jitter window.

z.glNav2 (flyingSim):
This version of the patch is a true flight simulator (i.e. with camera and lookat behavior similar to a plane - with or without roll). Forward/backward is in reference to wherever you are currently looking.

z.glNav2b (flyingSim v2):
This is the same as z.glNav2, except camera rotation is achieved by clicking and dragging in the Jitter window.

z.glNav_quad (quadFlyingSim):
This is a surround-video port of z.glNav2 (without roll). This version renders four viewports into the same GL space as you fly around - providing 360-degree viewing. The viewports are (from left to right as displayed on screen): frontview, rightview, backview, leftview

The following abstractions all require Masayuki Akamatsu's aka.wiiremote external
(which you can find @ )

z.wii.glNav1 (walkingSim):
same as z.glNav1, but controlled via Wii remote or Wii remote with Wii Wheel.

z.wii.glNav2 (flyingSim):
same as z.glNav2, but controlled via Wii remote or Wii remote with Wii Wheel.

z.wii.glNav_quad (quadFlyingSim):
same as z.glNav_quad, but controlled via Wii remote or Wii remote with Wii Wheel.

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